Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Surprise! You have an exam today!

...was the sensation I was greeted with as I walked into class this morning. What with worrying about the precarious business venture my in-laws have attempted to involve me in and a number of projects competing for my attention at work, the fact that this was happening somehow completely escaped my memory.

Fortunately, it turned out not to be too terrible of an exam. As I was riding back from it I realized that I'd missed a shift/reduce conflict in my answer to the last question, but it shouldn't be a critical error.

My first rattan bow is just about finished!

Sunday, February 6, 2005


So, my father and I have just received a shipment of six bows that belonged to my grandfather, my father and his brothers. A number of these bows are in mediocre condition, so I've been investigating how to attempt their restoration.

Some interesting and relevant links:

A long and eloquent article on bowmaking

Rattan kids' bows for Kiana and Faith???

A collection of interesting newsgroup posts